Orthodontics is used to correct a wide range of dental concerns, It's the visible problems that people think of, including crooked or broken teeth, but braces sometimes fix the visible teeth problem. Orthodontist Hollywood uses cutting-edge technology to provide exceptional results, focusing on bright, broad smiles and enhanced facial aesthetics. 

Let's explore more impacted teeth, types, and how orthodontics helps with impacted teeth: 

What are impacted teeth?

An impacted tooth is a common dental problem; impaction occurs when a tooth grows at an angle or moves into the gum space needed by another tooth. An impacted tooth can damage the root or surrounding of the teeth. If the damage is severe and left untreated, then it is also responsible for neighboring teeth to loosen and fall out. 

Types of Impaction:

Multiple teeth can be diagnosed impacted. Most teeth observed in the orthodontics setting involve upper permanent canines; these teeth have multiple presentations regarding their locations, and impacted canines can be located in the palate or towards the lips. The impacted tooth can depend on the angle of the tooth:

  • Vertical impaction- occurs when a tooth erupts at the correct angle but is too close to a neighboring tooth.
  • Horizontal impaction- occurs when a tooth grows at an angle and risks damaging near one tooth. 
  • Partial eruption- when a tooth does not come through the gum fully because of its angle and closeness to another tooth.  
  • Angular impaction- as the name suggests, involves a tooth growing the gum at an angle so it can erupt. 

How does Orthodontics help with impacted teeth? 

Orthodontic treatment can fix many dental problems, including impacted teeth. Orthodontists at sherman oaks focus on providing remarkable patient experience, where inquiries and situations are comprehensively communicated to ensure an informed and team approach to cure. 

  • Early-stage treatment: The orthodontist may notice an impacted canine in the early stage. With treatment, the tooth can erupt without being impacted. A baby tooth may need to be extracted to give a chance to adult teeth. A spacer may stop a tooth from erupting into space that should be available for another tooth. The earlier the impacted tooth is diagnosed, the greater chance of fixing the problem without losing the teeth. 
  • Braces for impacted teeth: Braces are used to assist with impacted canines. The braces can pull an impacted tooth into the correct position; being upright and correct, the tooth helps in chewing and biting functions. 
  • Plates for impacted molar teeth: Molars which is impacted and partially erupted can have plates in the mouth to move these teeth into a better position. These can also be provided to align these teeth if crowding is present in the arch.
  • Invisalign for impacted teeth: Invisalign may be used to improve the position of crooked teeth that are moved out from position by impacted teeth. 

Invisalign treatment can handle simple and complex cases, treating orthodontic conditions like open bites, teeth gaps, and crowding. Invisalign in Los Angeles can offer smile enhancement, restoration, and maintenance treatment for optimal oral health.